Retailer's FAQ

Why I need this?

PostLocal is designed to provide your business with all of the tools you require to establish or compliment an online presence. We take e-commerce further than anyone else and bring your business mobile with our mobile optimized solutions. It is an essential part of your marketing mix, providing you with more tools than any other local business directory. PostLocal understand business. We understand the challenges facing business owners and managers, and aim to help you manage your time and customers more efficiently and grow your business, it’s that simple!

What′s new in version 1.1?

We have packed this version with the most effective marketing tools available. A mobile and web optimized business directory that works across all devices. E-commerce enabled web-mobile store, a customisable deals template to enable you to create the deals you want, when you want, and a simple and intuitive push messaging interface that allows you to notify your loyal customers of your most recent news, deals and specials offers.

How does it work?

It’s simple to get going, in just a few clicks you can be up and running.

  1. PostLocal at its core is an advertising platform, it acts as a business directory and provides customers with a quick and efficient way to search for and find your business.
  2. PostLocal provides you with a unique QR Code and url eg: “”, which you can share on your business and promotional materials which be can used to drive customers directly to your site and store.
    • a. In order to increase your effectiveness and generate more sales, we encourage you to engage with, and try out the tools available within the PostLocal arsenal
    • b. It is important that you fill out all of your business contact details
  3. Sell directly from your store:
    • a. List your product and pricing and enable how you wish to receive payment
      • I. Cash
      • II. Credit or Debit Card
      • III. Paypal
    • b. Vouchers
      • I. Create your very own daily deals and special offers
      • II. Make sure you fill out all your contact details and special offers
      • III. Once all fields have been completed, that’s it! Your’re vouchers are ready to go and will be posted within the PostLocal app.
    • c. How do I get paid for my vouchers
      • I. Payments from vouchers are transferred directly into client account twice per month, usually within 15 days of redemption.
  4. Payments: Payments received from customers are transferred by SEPA transfer directly to the account registered within customer profile.
* NOTE: Please ensure account details are correct.

Who are you guys?

We at PostLocal are a group of entrepreneurs, coders, designers, lovers, husbands, fathers, sons and daughters that want to create great products that bring lasting value and solve a problem for our customers. We want you to love our products, so please let us know what you think?

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